Oil & Gas
Deamp provides Acoustic products for Industrial and Off-Shore Environments.
Deamp provides washable, long life and heavy duty sound absorbing products for Living Quarters and Production Areas for Offshore and Heavy Industry customers. This is the new generation product for noise reduction in dirty areas.
We offer solution brainstorming based on our earlier deliveries, absorption tuning through our design and simulations in Winflag Deamp™ and consider offshore needs in installation and compact shipping to site.
Product and Service Offering Overview
Deamp Oil & Gas products are 100% metal, containing no porous fibre packed in plastic and thus have no humidity or washing restrictions. They outperform mineral wool in required Life Cycle Care by virtually having no requirements for maintenance unless spilled on directly with viscous fluids. The micro slits are self cleaning and the surfaces are provided in any Norsok certified surface treatment lacquer, raw, anodized or brushed. The new micro perforation system requires less installation volume and surfaces covered for low and mid frequency acoustic absorption due to the different non-traditional acoustic damping technology known as Helmholtz resonance.
Low panel perforation ratio, normally 1-2%.
Available in Stainless Steel 316L or Aluminium AL5052 other alloys on request
Printable surface for decorated Living Quarters
Fire class A
ISO354 data available by inquiry
Long inspection cycles
Compact shipping (No space requiring mineral wool)
Weight saving noise reduction by reducing the need for heavy machinery enclosures
Easy installation, inspection and demounting solutions available
Snap in systems for quick installation or partially assembled products on delivery for time saving installation.
Ceiling and wall use
Washable with high pressure washer equipment and detergents.
Heat resistant, cold weather safe, impact resistant
Product Acoustic Performance – ISO 354
3 typical product tunings - also tunable to problem frequencies in compressor rooms etc.
OCTAVE BAND FREQUENCIES (Hz) NRC – Sound Absorption Coefficients |
Frequencies: |
125 |
250 |
500 |
1000 |
2000 |
4000 |
Single layer 100mmNRC: 0.6 |
0,18 |
0,58 |
0,95 |
0,60 |
0,30 |
0,12 |
Double layer(100/125mm)NRC:0.8 |
0,29 |
0,91 |
0,96 |
0,76 |
0,61 |
0,28 |
Single layer200mmNRC: 0.6 |
0,35 |
0,88 |
0,84 |
0,44 |
0,33 |
0,09 |
Acoustic software WinFlag DeampTM Services
Deamp provides acoustic proprietary acoustic simulation software services specially developed for predicting non-standard tunings of the panels for special requirements not necessarily asked for in traditional room acoustics.
This software program is not for sale and simulations are solely performed by Deamp.
Deamp Subcontracting Engineering Services
We provide swift project communication, solution design brainstorming, and full documentation of the delivery along with the products all the way to installation procedures.
Certified Material Origin
Norsok M501 System 6 Surface quality available
Supply line Achilles certified
Patented Norwegian Origin Technology
Custom design of modularised solution for all projects
Please contact us for our updated references.
Our customers: